Apotheek Baert S. in Brugge

BelgiëApotheek Baert S.



🕗 openingstijden

7, Wollestraat, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 50 33 64 74
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2082102, Longitude: 3.2253339

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Thomas Martin


    Zeer duur en erg onvriendelijk. Veel betere en vriendelijkere apothekers in de buurt. Most expensive in Bruges and very unfriendly. To be avoided. Many good alternatives nearby.

  • Attila Gabor Kalapati

    Attila Gabor Kalapati


    He gave me super expensive branded medication instead of generic ones as prescribed, without even asking me if I would accept them. Like most small businesses in Belgium, they try to rip you off the moment they realise you're not Belgian.

  • José Aurelio Jaramillo

    José Aurelio Jaramillo


    El señor que me atendió es un caballero. Si buscan algo, ahí les dirán exactamente lo que buscan.

  • Russell Long

    Russell Long


    A visit to Steve's shop is a must if you need anything in the pharmacy line. He is extremely knowledgeable and stocks a wide variety of products many of which are hard to find. He is also a dispensing pharmacist who can make up your prescription and give advice. On top of that he's a really nice chap.

  • spookygianni lol

    spookygianni lol


    De beste

Apotheek in de buurt

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