Anverness bvba de Antwerpen

BelgiqueAnverness bvba



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74, Grote Steenweg, 2600, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 3 218 55 90
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.1976511, Longitude: 4.417061

commentaires 5

  • en



    Wonderful selection of single malts, bourbons and beyond. The owners really know their stuff, be sure to bend their ear when you're visiting this little gem. Well worth the detour for any whisky enthusiast.

  • Jeremy Sulzbacher

    Jeremy Sulzbacher


    You won't find a better whiskey store in Belgium!

  • Broes Breyne

    Broes Breyne


    Helped me out more than a bit. Great shop and great shop owners.

  • Kevin Genbrugge

    Kevin Genbrugge


    Very nice shop. You have to talk to Peter, he has good knowledge and knows the (local) whisky-world. Whisky-lovers who are visiting Antwerp need to be sure to stop here.

  • Gert Smet

    Gert Smet


    The shopowner really knows his stuff. One of the more interesting whiskey tastings i've attended in a long time.

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