Antwerp International Airport de Antwerpen

BelgiqueAntwerp International Airport


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Luchthavenlei, B-2100, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 3 285 65 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.188746, Longitude: 4.4608734

commentaires 5

  • Alan Sweeney

    Alan Sweeney


    Very convenient airport, you can check in as late as 20mins before your flight departs. Nice bar before security

  • Ciara Reid

    Ciara Reid


    Small, convenient, calm airport. Close to city centre. Fast and friendly security check. Switft check in. Two bars (one before and one after security) with coffee, light snacks.

  • C & L Broughton

    C & L Broughton


    Arrived at 4am only to find the airport closed 😠 I've never known an airport to be closed so did not expect this. Waited outside for an hour in the cold. No information stating the opening time on the website. Or maybe when buying an early flight, this info should be bold on the ticket

  • Mike Lindblom

    Mike Lindblom


    Very convenient airport. But there are no bars etc after check in

  • Faber Van Driessche

    Faber Van Driessche


    Great airport if you have a short flight! Very friendly and quick service. There aren't very much shops, so don't be to early.

Aéroport la plus proche

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