Amrâth Grand Hotel de l'Empereur in Maastricht

BelgiëAmrâth Grand Hotel de l'Empereur


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🕗 openingstijden

2, Stationsstraat, 6221 BP, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 43 321 3838
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8498863, Longitude: 5.7044913

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Jose Fernandes


    Excellent location near to train station, friendly staff, clean rooms

  • Kosta Adamakis

    Kosta Adamakis


    Clean and basic. Near to city centre. Very overpriced for a 4 star hotel though. Should be a 3 star property as the service is second rate and you also have to pay for parking

  • Inanc Unlu

    Inanc Unlu


    Average. Breakfast is poor.. staffs are not goodhumored. Room is comfortable and clean. Being across the train station is a good advantage for visiting other cities

  • Chris Bowman

    Chris Bowman


    Courteous staff and a pleasant building - really very quaint looking and a fantasticly convenient location right next to the railway station. Hosting space was well organised and the cafe is well maintained.

  • Dave J

    Dave J


    2 star hotel at best. Our non smoking room stunk of old smoke (must have been a smoking room in the past) the rooms are very basic and in need of a serious facelift. I stay in hotels almost weekly and this is one of the worst I have experienced in a while. We actually stayed out all day to avoid spending any time in the room, it was that bad. Location however is perfect and the staff are very nice. This is the only reason I have given it 3 stars. For 160 per night we were hugely let down on our weekend away. Either charge 2 star prices or renovate your hotel.

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