ALDI Elsene / Ixelles in Elsene

BelgiëALDI Elsene / Ixelles



🕗 openingstijden

Goffaertstraat / rue Goffaert 91, 1050 Elsene, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8335006, Longitude: 4.3731388

opmerkingen 5

  • Roypim Vichitphorn

    Roypim Vichitphorn


    Decoration is like local market which a bit messy although the prices and quality is better than other supermarket. You can easily pay 15 euros for one week meal with meat and three kind vegetables and eggs plus two snacks and one big pack of water. I recommend you shopping here since other supermarket in belgium prices are skyrocket high.

  • Sanjoy Basak

    Sanjoy Basak


    Cheap and good products, however, not much spacious and always crowded

  • Šarūnas Tamokaitis

    Šarūnas Tamokaitis


    Nice shop to shop. But staff could be more polite.

  • Peter Dean

    Peter Dean


    Pretty depressing- some good cheap stuff but the store is cramped, not well maintained and the queues are long. The products advertised in their brochure that I went to get were not available.

  • en

    raphael liautaud


    Good prices and some good products, parking space. Service not so good. There are always long lines for the cashiers, and it doesn't look very clean compared to other supermarkets like Carrefour in europe, or like a publix in USA

Supermarkt in de buurt

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