Albert in Schaarbeek



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🕗 openingstijden

27, Koninklijke Sinte-Mariastraat, 1030, Schaarbeek, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 217 93 91
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8597782, Longitude: 4.3689752

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Emily Howton


    At first glance, our room was a little run down and dingy looking, but nothing too bad. My husband and I planned to stay here for 3 nights, but only made it through one. Unfortunately, our room had bed bugs in it. I woke up this morning covered in bites, and a quick look at the mattress revealed a lot of them scurrying around the seams... Thankfully, the staff was very nice, and we did get a full refund for our stay without any issue or question. I urge you to stay here with caution, and if you do stay, check under the sheets along the seams of the mattresss to make sure you don’t end up like me, with 50+ itchy bites covering your body. Additionally, we are currently on our honeymoon and will have to make frequent trips to the laundromat for the rest of our trip to be sure we did not haul any of them around in our bags and don’t bring them home with us. Conditions of the room = 0/5 stars Friendliness of the staff = 4/5 stars

  • en

    Samuel Engsberg


    Cleanliness was sub par, towels had remenants of makeup on them and we only received one towel for the double room we had booked. There was an unplugged refrigerator with a cardboard sealed front door I would have rather just not had. 2/4 room lights did not work. Open elevator gets stuck if you have too many bags in it and stairs are very very tight. Spend 10 more Euro and go somewhere else.

  • fr

    Mari Franquet


    Hôtel très mal fréquenté, personnel de l hôtel peu aimable, impossible de se garer pour percevoir les clés on a tourné pendant plus de trois quart d heure. État de la chambre bof bof très vieux ménage fait légèrement poussière non faite depuis quelque temps, la literie un lit sur deux ça pouvait aller. Chambre mal insonorisee Mais le pire alarme incendie en pleine nuit et là personne pour nous dire c est une fausse alerte c est les clients qui essaient d arrêter l alarme car le gérant qui s est déplacé n y arrive pas. Franchement à fuir.

  • Jan Pryzowicz

    Jan Pryzowicz


    Przyzwoity stosunek ceny do jakości. Wiele knajp i punktów gastronomicznych w okolicy. Liczne sklepy spożywcze. Mówiąc krótko: ok

  • Tiago Alves Oliveira Pereira

    Tiago Alves Oliveira Pereira


    Péssimo lugar. O lugar cheirava mal, havia um barulho alto vindo da porta, os lençóis estavam manchados, havia apenas uma toalha para um casal, o ralo do box estava parcialmente entupido e inundou o banheiro todo e a vista da janela dava para uma varanda sem acabamento.

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