AH Overpoortstraat in Gent

BelgiëAH Overpoortstraat



🕗 openingstijden

49, Overpoortstraat, 9000, Gent, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 9 222 69 96
website: www.ah.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0395786, Longitude: 3.725877

opmerkingen 5

  • Tien Nguyen

    Tien Nguyen


    Superb. They always give promotion almost every week. The types of products in promotion are changed every week and they always adapt the needs of people especially the students. For 2 years living nearby here in a dorm of Universiteit Gent. I'm totally satisfy. Promotion prices are so attractive and lower than that of Carrefour or even Colruyt.

  • Jasper van Honk

    Jasper van Honk


    Very popular with students, so expect long wait times.

  • Tamás Varga

    Tamás Varga


    Average selection, good prices. They don't accept Mastercard.

  • Loredana Radu

    Loredana Radu


    It's good for shopping but it's so much trash on the street... Students makes alot of mess.. sometimes I feel that smells like a dumster or you walk in a trash can

  • Krishna Kumar Saha

    Krishna Kumar Saha


    Good place but only accept the EC cards :| Though I think Proxy is a bit cheaper that this departmental store. However, this place has a great number of salad and vegetable collections. In my opinion it has less collection of breads :(

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