AH Gaversesteenweg in Deinze

BelgiëAH Gaversesteenweg



🕗 openingstijden

46, Gaversesteenweg, 9800, Deinze, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 9 380 49 04
website: www.ah.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.9762407, Longitude: 3.5354469

opmerkingen 5

  • Hans Vandeputte

    Hans Vandeputte


    good choice and fair prices

  • Ádám Mezei

    Ádám Mezei


    They not accepted card payments. I tried my ViSA and MasterCard but the casier said they not accept any foreign bank card payments. I was so disappointed due I was in a hurry. I wemt to Lidl instead and there was no problem at all.

  • en

    Wilbert Torsius


    Was fairly surprised about how it compared to other AH. Friendly service and it seems Belgiums have better specials than the Dutch.

  • en

    Matthias Minjauw


    Best supermarket in Deinze. Fresh fruit and large range of dairy products.

  • Jamil Claxton

    Jamil Claxton


    Such a convenient grocery store. Right away, you are in the produce section and prepared foods section, so if you only need just the fresh items, you can just go easily through to the cash register. Everything is layout is very practical and the selection and prices are great.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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