Abhostel in Antwerpen




🕗 openingstijden

110, Kattenberg, 2140, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 473 57 01 66
website: www.abhostel.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2151126, Longitude: 4.4388179

opmerkingen 5

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    Susana Becerra


    Amazing Hostel with a very nice sense of community. Lots of games, hammocks, a guitar and huge living area. The hostel is decorated very nicely and the staff was incredibly helpful in telling us where to go for the day to maximize what we were able to see since we only stayed one night. Must try their specially brewed beer which was incredible. Beds were comfy and the free breakfast was delicious. 10/10 recommend.

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    Vini Pinto


    One of the best hostel I have visited in Europe, loved my stay there. Great staff, great beer and great facilities. I would highly recommend staying at this hostel if you want to meet people and socialize on your travels, not to mention drinking outstanding Belgian beer.

  • Vlad Melnic

    Vlad Melnic


    There are no bad words for my stay here! The abhostel ( Antwerp Backpackers Hostel) is definitely one of the best places I've spent my time! Good location, excellent environment and amazing staff! Being alone here it doesn't exist because you'll make a lot of new friends and become part of the ab family! And don't forget to try all the beers collection, especially Greg's Koekoepabakkes!

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    JohnPaul Dicks


    One of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed at! All around great experience. Owners are highly involved and dedicated to making this a great guest experience, as are the staff. Thanks!!

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    Anneke van Willenswaard


    Great hostel, lovely atmosphere, clean rooms and awesome people!!! Everything I wished for!!! Fresh baked bread in the morning, beers in the evening... City centre is about 10 minutes walk, so the hostel is in a calm area which is just perfect... I'll definitely come back again!!!!

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