À la Bécasse de Brussel

BelgiqueÀ la Bécasse



🕗 horaire

11, Taborastraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 511 00 06
site web: www.alabecasse.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8482312, Longitude: 4.3514093

commentaires 5

  • Robin Rudwick

    Robin Rudwick


    Another famous old bar in Brussels. Less busy than I remember it. They do a nice beer tasting board.

  • en

    Simon Reeves


    A great beer outlet with quality Belgian beers, offering light snacks too, with table service. English is spoken very well by the friendly staff. The wooden panelling adds character to the room which is very well appointed with tables and chairs. We enjoyed a couple of jugs of the relatively expensive Gueze - a very enjoyable sour beer

  • Anabelle Renard

    Anabelle Renard


    Very kind, funny and friendly staff. Collectively they speak French, Flemish, English and Italian fluently. The food was wonderful.

  • Andy Cambridge

    Andy Cambridge


    Really good blended beer and the bar is set back from the busy street through an alley way. The barman /owner was very attentive considering we were outside in the courtyard and the atmosphere out there was fantastic. Came away really relaxed after a good drink and chat with friends.

  • Tony Jewell

    Tony Jewell


    Wonderful little bar tucked away down a mysterious alleyway. The friendly staff dress as monks, and supply a good selection of local beers - I tried their local lambic (served in a pot), and it was delicious. Much recommended!

Bar la plus proche

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