UItstel de Gent




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1, Botermarkt, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 499 15 45 00
site web: www.google.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.054531, Longitude: 3.725321

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    #qoute #future #qoute #future #user #LeadershipStandard #globalenergy2017 #Rewablenergyworld #freedom 

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    To explain, Goleman shares the experience of mindfulness teacher Bernie Glassman, who brings participants to a Zen retreat where they live homeless on the streets of New York for a week. Goleman points out that, “The most jarring fact of that transitioning from a regular citizen to homeless is you’re instantly invisible.” This happens, he says, because people feel anxious, and they look at homeless person, and “when they feel someone else’s suffering, the easiest thing to do is tune out. That soothes their own empathic suffering.” Compassion is rooted in the brain’s circuitry. When we become more skilled at activating compassion, we’re better able to stay with discomfort. This suggests one way of increasing wellbeing is to increase our own feelings of connection. “Ultimate wellbeing has nothing to do with what’s outside us,” says Daniel Goleman. What would happen if we could fully take charge of our own wellbeing? @TimeDelayUTC

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  • UItstel



    Beste wat ons allemaal overkomen is deze Bedrijf heeft echt alles in huis van marktonderzoek tot uiteindelijk proof 100% aarrader voor deze partij 2018 kiesbaar

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