UGC De Brouckère in Brussel

BelgiëUGC De Brouckère


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🕗 openingstijden

38, De Brouckèreplein, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 78 15 43 21
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8517499, Longitude: 4.3520746

opmerkingen 5

  • Rodrigo Martín Núñez

    Rodrigo Martín Núñez


    Nice and comfy cinema. Quite expensive though, I reccomend to bring your own water bottles or drinks

  • Isaac Herszenhorn

    Isaac Herszenhorn


    One of the best movie theatres that I have ever been to! The service and staff are very friendly and the theatres are always clean! Always has the newest movies, and the tickets are quiet cheap, as is the popcorn and other snacks! Most movies are available in English, which is nice if you have troubles understanding French or Dutch. And of course, if you enjoy it, all the movies are available also in 3D. Personally, I have never had a bad experience at this cinema and I would recommend everyone to go here for whatever movie they want to watch. This UGC is definitely better than all other UGC’s and all other movie theatres in general!

  • Krisjanis Ulmanis

    Krisjanis Ulmanis


    Went to see "ready player one " the audio quality was great , image quality was also great , but getting there is a bit of a pain because currently there are roadworks right next to the building

  • Taimur Musharraf

    Taimur Musharraf


    Nice English movie shows. Decent amount of seats, helpful staff.

  • Georgikopoulos Manolis

    Georgikopoulos Manolis


    Nice sound. Good picture. You can find movies in English. Mainly mainstream movies. The strange thing is that the seat are not numbered but most of the times you find a good place to sit.

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