TINTIN © HERGE in Bruxelles

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🕗 openingstijden

35, Place du Grand Sablon, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 2 502 96 40
website: galerie.tintin.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.840617, Longitude: 4.3547024

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Victoria Riddell


    Lovely TINTIN gallery. I was expecting to see more original artworks by Herge, there are instead statues and models of TINTIN. They gallery sells the various models in addition to post cards, colouring books, pencils, and of course snowy stuffed toy.

  • en

    Sha Mar


    My favorite store in Brussels! You can find Tintin in action sculptures in all different scenes of his Carton or the book! This place is very organized, clean and staffs are super friendly! You can find the price tag under neath each sculpture, book or shirt. If you like Tintin you definitely fall in love with this store like me! Definitely recommend.

  • Eduardo Pallares

    Eduardo Pallares


    Not a huge museun or anything like that, just a store size venue with an interesting selection of tintin artworks. Definetely worth it to get in.

  • René CD

    René CD


    Beau grand magasin. Grand choix du petit gadget à la pièce de collection. Accueil moyen

  • de

    Joaquin Erzgraber


    Für Fans durchaus interessant, allerdings schrecken die extremen Preise davon ab, sich ein Souvenir zu leisten

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