Thermae Hotel Grimbergen de Grimbergen

BelgiqueThermae Hotel Grimbergen


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92, Wolvertemsesteenweg, 1850, Grimbergen, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 270 30 46
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.9359648, Longitude: 4.36588

commentaires 5

  • en

    Lisa Dean


    Lovely place

  • stergios verros

    stergios verros


    Fair saunas but no fountains to refill your water. Good restaurant though with fast service.

  • en

    Ann Boone


    Super massage. Wonderful facilities. Very enjoyable sauna and surroundings. Highly recommended. Staff is not really trained to deal with business people. The services are more oriented to visitors of the spa who don't do overnight stay or have to work in the evenibg..No real vegetarian food, let alone vegan options. Refusal to accommodate any suggestions. 6.5 euro for steamed veggies. .And super argumentative waiter who called me illiterate.... Bring your own vegan food.

  • Robin Dziewirski

    Robin Dziewirski


    very disappointing, spa is in another location and charged separately, rooms only look good on photos, for the same rate we moved to a 5star hotel and never looked back!

  • Cheri V

    Cheri V


    Extremely large "western style" room. All in one bathroom (1st I've seen in Belgium). Free wifi, cable TV, super comfortable king sized bed... a great nights sleep!

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