The Red Rabbit In Kilt in Bruxelles

BelgiëThe Red Rabbit In Kilt



🕗 openingstijden

23, Rue de la Madeleine, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 485 56 69 85
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8456193, Longitude: 4.3546571

opmerkingen 5

  • akirachinn



    ベルギー料理とベルギービールに満足したので、ウイスキーを飲みにコチラのお店に入りました。ベルギー在住の知人と行ったので安心できるお店だと思います。 チョコレートフォンデュを頂きつつ、美味しくウイスキーを頂きました。

  • en



    Really cute place with an incredibly charming atmosphere. The waiters were all quite nice and very interested in our well-being. The bar isn't too expensive and the snacks are all quite unique. I recommend the pate, it was so delicious! They also offer very few but unique cocktails! :)

  • Lou d'Unglaublich

    Lou d'Unglaublich


    Horrible! The waiter was shockingly rude! When I was asking after some information about the different wines on the menu, he turned away from us and literally murmured (in English!) "You're getting on my nerves!" I don't understand what his problem was. We were polite customers and the bar was not very crowed. Maybe as students we didn't look wealthy enough for this snobbish etablissment.

  • Roberto A. Lineros

    Roberto A. Lineros


    It is a place with a relax atmosphere. It is ideal if one wants to talk with friends

  • en

    Audrey Ramirez


    Very nice atmosphere! Very nice staff and awesome music to chill! Awesome chill spot to have a drink!

Bar in de buurt

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