The Brussels Yoga Loft in Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe

BelgiëThe Brussels Yoga Loft



🕗 openingstijden

18, Tombergplein, 1200, Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 483 13 97 97
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.844521, Longitude: 4.42637

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Ma. Crisanta Demonteverde


    Brussels Yoga Loft is surely a great place to be! Once you get in, it will be so much impossible for you to even think of getting out of this wonderful Yoga community. You'll not only love Yoga but the people whom you will get to know who are awesome! You will be surrounded by amazing people of the same interest and passion for Yoga. You'll be inspired by supportive teachers and fellow Yogis. Talk about doing Yoga, then Brussels Yoga loft is absolutely the perfect place to be!

  • Tavishi Rai

    Tavishi Rai


    I recently started learning Vinyasa flow yoga classes. I look forward to going there. The classes always something interesting and new. The teachers are very friendly and competent.

  • Anna Naumovich

    Anna Naumovich


    I really like this studio. Very caring and understanding stuff, great classes for every level and preference !

  • en

    Rick Janet


    We were on a recent trip to Belgium and Brussels and looking for a place to continue our daily practice. We found the Brussels Yoga Loft and it was exactly what we needed and more. What a wonderful place to spend a few hours every day. We were met by the most friendly teacher Marta. she showed us around, welcomed us to Brussels and to the studio as if she had known us he entire life. We had a cup of tea in the back together with some others. We were surprised to discover that everyone speaks english here and so we felt right at home and were able to have really nice conversation and even received some tips on things to visit during our trip. The class itself was amazing. The combination of ashtanga and vinyasa was something we had not experienced before but now that we have we will definitely keep this going. Thanks Brussels Yoga Loft for expanding our horizons and for the warm welcome. Namaste to you all!

  • Alejandro Miguel Zamora Gonzalez

    Alejandro Miguel Zamora Gonzalez


    Marc Pouw really is a bad guy. Him employees me in ilegal term. Him don't care if I died in the streets.Him invite me to be part of the Studio only to ruin my life and put me in Risk in the streets in Brussels.Him threaten my family by fon.Him needs to be in jail.It’s the worst place to get a job. Marc Pouw needs to pay his criminals actitud in Jail .Even you can ask to my family,to the local police in Brussels and me. Thank you!

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