Taj Mahal Indian Restaurant Antwerpen in Antwerpen

BelgiëTaj Mahal Indian Restaurant Antwerpen



🕗 openingstijden

15, Statiestraat, 2018, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 3 337 71 37
website: tajmahal2018.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2182781, Longitude: 4.4187162

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Helen Richardson


    Superb Indian food served here just round the corner from the Central Station. I had the koria gohst that was very tasty. Served in its own metal bowl it came accompanied with cardamom flavoured rice the portion size was just right after a day walking around seeing the sights. My partner had the lamb tikka masala which was well presented with a heat tray to keep it warm as he worked his way through it. The masala was not too spicy as the dish was softened with coconut. Attentive service.

  • en

    Michael Verheyen


    Super delicious Indian food. Also for takeaway.

  • en

    Olive Pip


    Service not very attentive or friendly. Nice food. Alot of Muslims dinning there.

  • Cristi Lazar

    Cristi Lazar


    A nice cozy place. Great food, big enough portions and a quick service.

  • Dominik Horngacher

    Dominik Horngacher


    Very friendly service but the restaurant is too dark inside and the food was not particularly good

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