Sushi Shop Waterloo de Waterloo

BelgiqueSushi Shop Waterloo



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210, Chaussée de Bruxelles, 1410, Waterloo, Brabant Wallon, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 70 75 75 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.7189357, Longitude: 4.3975108

commentaires 5

  • Sigma One

    Sigma One


    Wow how I can express my disappointment, 2 hours to make a delivery of 1 rice, and 2 sushi packs. OMG where did you guys went to collect the rice in china?

  • Roma Ramnath

    Roma Ramnath


    Worst delivery service ever, and they make you pay for calling to know where your order is! is outrageous! never again! this was a good restaurant in the past

  • Ruvenss G Wilches

    Ruvenss G Wilches


    worst delivery service in Waterloo ever! a total scam they make you pay 30c per minute just for complains! and at the end you loose your money and your food a total SCAM do not use it !

  • Ruvenss G Wilches

    Ruvenss G Wilches


    super bad delivery service. after 2hrs of waiting and PAYING 2€! for phone service the food never came this restaurant is an scam!

  • Noel Hallage

    Noel Hallage


    Best sushi place in waterloo

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