St James' Church in Brugge

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BelgiëSt James' Church


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🕗 openingstijden

1, Sint-Jakobsplein, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.210443, Longitude: 3.2204385

opmerkingen 5

  • Trish Digliodo

    Trish Digliodo


    This is a must see! In the United States, something that is 200 years old is VERY old for us. So, seeing a Church built in the 1200s was fascinating and such a privilege to see. Take your time and enjoy the artwork on display- it is truly remarkable! I could have spent all day here! Kudos to all who have spent the time, effort and money to preserve this church.

  • fr

    Loim Hen


    Eglise possédant deux particularités notables : un jubé coiffé d'un orgue, et une chaire sculptée du 17e siècle en bois sombre représentant les 4 parties du monde.

  • Capt. Gerry Hare

    Capt. Gerry Hare


    Sint Jacobskerk, or Saint James Catholic Church is located in the Town of Bruges, Belgium and a good example of Belgium churches, in the middle of the 13th century, the modest St. James’s Chapel was elevated to the status of a parish church.

  • Hassène ALAYA

    Hassène ALAYA


    jolie église

  • yves frombelgium

    yves frombelgium


    Beautiful catholic church, originally from the 13th century, but later remodeled and expanded, open daily, no entry fee

Kerk in de buurt

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