Self Service Laundry de Brugge

BelgiqueSelf Service Laundry



🕗 horaire

3, Jan Boninstraat, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgique
contact téléphone: +32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2129811, Longitude: 3.2187511

commentaires 4

  • Diego Soto

    Diego Soto


    Always bring change 50¢€ x 8 coins (The change machine isn’t working correctly all the times and it only acept bills of 5€) cause if you don’t have the exact change the machines won’t work and it’s hard to get change, oh and bring your own soap it’s more convenient! Steps: 1: use 2 coins of 50€ to get your token, for 5 or 7 kg 2: Load your washer with your load Pro tip: The first washers are for 5 kg the other rest are for 7kg 3: select your wash cicle, and your soap to the top of the washer, first bin! 4: Close ir well and as your token!

  • nl

    Christel Vanderispaillie


    Valt niet veel over te zeggen. Duur en alles behalve proper. Kan veel beter. Probeer die eens verderop in de straat

  • Dominga Flaño

    Dominga Flaño


  • zh-Hant

    Lind Joff


Blanchisserie la plus proche

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