Schleiper Hasselt de Hasselt

BelgiqueSchleiper Hasselt



🕗 horaire

1, de Schiervellaan, 3500, Hasselt, Limburg, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 11 30 13 13
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.9307139, Longitude: 5.3324521

commentaires 5

  • bluntobjct



    Large selection of professional arts and crafts and stationary. Helpful and friendly staff.

  • Marvin Steyaert

    Marvin Steyaert


    I buy my things in thare

  • Massimo Vervecken

    Massimo Vervecken


    A lot of creative stuff in one place. 3 floors.

  • Alexander Vandersmissen

    Alexander Vandersmissen


    One of the go to places in Hasselt for arts and crafts supplies

  • Steven Zeegers

    Steven Zeegers


    Lots of crafts and supplies. Parking is complicated. When parking in their underground garage you'll need to find an employee to let you use the lift. Didn't quite find what I was looking for, but that's not their fault of course!

Magasin la plus proche

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