Rodolphe barber & bodycare in Bruxelles

BelgiëRodolphe barber & bodycare



🕗 openingstijden

137, Avenue Louise, 1050, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 534 00 14
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8293763, Longitude: 4.3611101

opmerkingen 5

  • Cameron Reed

    Cameron Reed


    Fantastic staff, facilities and atmosphere!

  • Oswald Maskens

    Oswald Maskens


    Planning for interviews I asked for a traditional English haircut and a beard trim. The beard is fine but I got a footballer haircut (super short on the sides and the back and long on top). I am simply furious and strongly recommend to avoid Salon Rodolphe. High prices, a lot of show but a very bad result. The barber next to me didn’t know where his ustensiles where. For such an expensive place you expect them to take the time to bring new hires up to speed.

  • Etienne STERCQ

    Etienne STERCQ


    Good staff, they have an excellent attention to detail and will execute exactly what you asked. The results are always great. Depending it is a booking day or non-booking day, the service will be more or less attentive to you. Advantage of the non booking day is that you can get cut by Rodolphe himself, master hairdresser, for the regular price. Admitedly, prices are on the high range but you get extra services compared to other salon (ex: head massage, free coffee, tea, etc) but there will never be "extra" surprise to pay at the counter.

  • Max Dijkstra

    Max Dijkstra


    Best haircut I've had in ages and very friendly serviceminded staff

  • en

    Vadim Kim


    Amazing place with very professional and caring staff. Emilia, who took care of my haircut, is the best hairdresser and stylist I have had in my 5 years in Belgium! Thank you very much Emilia, you are the best! Definitely will come again to you!

Schoonheidssalon in de buurt

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