Restaurant La Baie d'Ha-Long de Bruxelles

BelgiqueRestaurant La Baie d'Ha-Long



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180, Rue Stevin, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 734 54 38
site web:
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Latitude: 50.844034, Longitude: 4.384475

commentaires 5

  • Soraya Bel

    Soraya Bel


    Nice for a quick lunch.

  • Vibhavari Bhagwat

    Vibhavari Bhagwat


    Love this place for tasty Asian food, service too

  • Maria Tsingou

    Maria Tsingou


    Great for a quick lunch

  • en

    Lara Jansen


    Very good restaurant with authentic Vietnamese options. We ordered a bun bo (beef) and bun ga (chicken), got a little starter for free. Perfect for a quick but good Asian meal!

  • Mila Suljagic

    Mila Suljagic


    I have to give it 5 starts cause they are very nice, the food is really good - I recommend the chicken noodles with peanuts, the porc 'brochette' and, of course, the best thing on their menu - Dim Sum. The price are good, I ate with my husband, we had one 'entrée' each, one main course each, 2 glasses of wine each and I had a desert and a glass of water, all of that cost us 50 euro. We love eating there. You get right away a set with a fork and a knife, but also you get the Chinese baguettes, in some restaurant I went, I had to ask for them separately. The only thing that I most find as a downside is that, when you get the take-away you don't get any fork or baguettes, nothing to eat your food with. I find that to be a biiiiiiiig downside, since, most of the time, our take away isn't to be eaten at home but in the park. Other than that I love it.

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