Quick Woluwe Shopping Center in Bruxelles

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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BelgiëQuick Woluwe Shopping Center



🕗 openingstijden

Woluwelaan, b25, Woluwe Shopping Center, 1200 Bruxelles, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 770 90 58
website: www.quick.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8448037, Longitude: 4.435765

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Bouchta E.


    Fast food ordinaire. Pas de réel surprise ni bonne ni mauvaise

  • Dino Boom

    Dino Boom


    Le plus nul quick du monde. J'aurais mis 0 étoiles si j'avais pu. Le service était correct mais la bouffe immonde. J'ai pleuré à la vue de mon hamburger. On aurai cru une vieille huître pourrie.

  • en

    Laura Stanciu


    Okay this is far from being over, I am extremely angry and disgusted by this quick, the menus that I bought were hard like rock, the staff was yelling and acting great crazy because I dare to come 15vmin before closing (I phoned before to ask if I can still order and they said yes), no one speaks English, I received sth totally different from what I ordered, they don t listen and don t answer my questions and extra when I asked why is all that for me and if this what I am paying for she said ' there must be a problem, the ticket is' it the right one' and she put it in the garbage!!!! This is unacceptable, the food was hard as rock, we did not eat eat but we had to pay for it! The manager that was behind did not even bother to talk to me, nothing!!!! Never anymore in quivk Belgium!!!!

  • fr

    Thierry Verhoustraeten


    j'ai pris un menu Géant et je dois avouer que j'ai été très déçu de la présentation...le sandwich était dégueulasse...ça ne donnait pas du tout envie !!! Je ne parle même pas de la vendeuse pas souriante qui était juste là pour noter la commande...bref l'accueil n'est vraiment pas terrible...je suis très déçu

  • Márton GergÅ‘

    Márton Gergő


    Slow serving, noone knows english, toilet is 40 cents either way if you eat food or not

Restaurant in de buurt

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