Quarantine - Live Escape Games in Bruxelles

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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BelgiëQuarantine - Live Escape Games



🕗 openingstijden

45, Rue Saint-Jean, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 471 75 39 17
website: www.liveescapegames.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.844613, Longitude: 4.353944

opmerkingen 5

  • Mathilde Van der Perre

    Mathilde Van der Perre


    C'était une nouvelle espérience qui n'était franchement pas décevante. L'accueil est très sympathique, on rentre directement dans l'ambiance et les énigmes sont intéressantes.

  • Alexis Maes

    Alexis Maes


    It was really, really fun. Good puzzles, nice ambiance (even though the setting was a bit on the cheap side) and very good staff. the only downside is the "story" of the escape room : There isn't any link between the "quarantine" theme and the puzzles and the """story""" is really just an excuse.

  • en

    Balázs Bence Tóth


    Great fun

  • NEV dataDyne

    NEV dataDyne


    The resident evil room is fun but the setup is way more basic than at 60 minutes, the place next door.

  • Attila Fabian

    Attila Fabian


    This is a great place, and a great guy works there! I highly recommend this place for anyone who wants to solve secret mysteries in the heart of Brussels!

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