Pearle Leuven de Leuven

BelgiquePearle Leuven



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75, Diestsestraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 16 22 29 28
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8804105, Longitude: 4.704945

commentaires 3

  • Chad B

    Chad B


    Terrible customer service by the young lady with short blonde hair while trying to buy a pair of lenses. If you can't stay calm and polite to explain to a clueless customer why you initially charged him 197€ when you told him it was 29€ then end up charging him 37€ even though he paid 25€ the first time, we can conclude 2 things: 1- You are not fit for a job that requires customer contact. 2- Your system for buying lenses is idiotic. FYI 197÷6 months is 33 not 29. And if I tell you "thank you" and "have a good day", i expect you to AT LEAST reply with a thank you. The icing on this lousy cake? Microbiological growth on a monthly set of lenses after only 24 days. Even the cheap drugstore brands don't do that! Save your dignity and money. Buy elsewhere.

  • Jaan Harnisfeger

    Jaan Harnisfeger


    Vriendelijk en snel geholpen door een van de medewerkers. Mijn afzakkende zonnebril die ik een week eerder kocht werd direct gecorrigeerd. Ik ging tevreden weer buiten!

  • Frederik De Breuck

    Frederik De Breuck


    Positive experience and very friendly staff throughout the process. Waiting times can sometimes be a bit high.

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