Oostappen Vakantiepark Parelstrand in Lommel

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BelgiëOostappen Vakantiepark Parelstrand


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🕗 openingstijden

313, Luikersteenweg, 3920, Lommel, Limburg, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 493 32 69 77
website: www.vakantieparkparelstrand.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2424943, Longitude: 5.3762281

opmerkingen 5

  • Remco van leeuwen

    Remco van leeuwen


    Leuk park met weinig luxe. In prima staat op een klemmende deur na. Het oude gedeelte van het park heeft nog wel een aantal aftandse huisjes staan maar het nieuwe gedeelte ziet er goed uit.

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    Fan Mickiewicz


    Internet it is to low every time.

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    Javi A.


    You mustn't go there!!! There are two aggressive men from GoodStay who entered in my bungalow whenever they want without tell me anything before and they took pictures to all my things. One day, I came at 2:30 and I found a new guy in my room that they put there and they didn't tell me anithing, so I went to the office where I saigned the tenancy agreement, to ask what happened and nobody answered. At the next day, they came to my bungalow so agresive, they shout me so much beside my friends. Really be careful with these people

  • Heidi Fitchett

    Heidi Fitchett


    Really pleased with my short stay at Parelstrand, Lommel. The campsite was very quiet, and the static caravan my son and I stayed in whilst attending Graspop Metal Festival was ideal. The staff were friendly and helpful.

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    Roxas KH


    Good location, very friendly staff. I recommend a stay here.

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