Moeder Lambic Original de Saint-Gilles

BelgiqueMoeder Lambic Original



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68, Rue de Savoie, 1060, Saint-Gilles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 544 16 99
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.823909, Longitude: 4.3448051

commentaires 5

  • Richard Thomas

    Richard Thomas


    Better than the one in the centre of town. Really good service and a great selection of regular and guest beers.

  • en

    Kate McHugh


    We had to come to Maeder Lambic and were so pleased that we did. Spent an entire Sunday afternoon here drinking sour raspberry beer while my husband tried many different things from the menu. Staff were really helpful and friendly, and would explain the different beers if you had questions. Great oldies soundtrack for a Sunday afternoon and we were quite sad when we had to leave to catch our flight. Would return in a heartbeat!

  • Richard Knight

    Richard Knight


    The best bar in Brussels, good atmosphere, knowledgeable staff and tasty beer.

  • en

    Óli Dagur ValtĂœsson


    Great beer selection. Nice area. Local place. Friendly staff.

  • wainer lusoli

    wainer lusoli


    A must go place in Brussels, for beer lovers. Huge selection as other places but waiters have a lot of experience and are helpful. Nice happy hour format without compromise on quality. Rotating be keep the menu fresh. And you can get a nice view with your beer. Definitely recommended.

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