Midas Dailly in Schaarbeek

BelgiëMidas Dailly



🕗 openingstijden

Chaussée de Louvain 440, 1030 Schaarbeek, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 735 11 12
website: www.midas.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.852745, Longitude: 4.389725

opmerkingen 5

  • Eva Alicia Biernacka

    Eva Alicia Biernacka


    Super disponibilités, super service, super prix! Notre voiture à eu une panne inopinée juste la veille d un départ en vacances , sur 6 garages appelés c est le seul qui a eu la gentillesse de nous prendre . Merci!

  • Diego Daniel Barceló

    Diego Daniel Barceló


    Nice alternative to avoid the very expensive official services in Belgium

  • en

    Іруська Савюк


    Pleasure people, good price and qualifed service.

  • Va As

    Va As


    Very good car service. You receive several options as offer with details how much money for what exactly. They are kind and can speak English! 👍

  • en

    Alex A.


    Dammaged alloy rims after parking the car on the street around the corner of the garage. Alloy pieces were on the ground next to the wheel and still the garage would not recognise the dammage. If you want to get your car back without extra dammage, you should avoid this garage.

Auto reparatie in de buurt

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