Mémé Café in Bruxelles

BelgiëMémé Café



🕗 openingstijden

17, Rue des Riches Claires, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 486 55 57 25
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8469504, Longitude: 4.3471992

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Jef Daniëls


    Small place in the centre of Brussels with a good and friendly service. They don't have a fixed menu, but read it to you instead. This allows them to change dishes frequently and to always cook using fresh ingredients. The inside is small but cosy. So small that you need to go via the building next door if you need to visit the toilet. The waiters like to make jokes, but find the excellent balance between playfulness and service. The food is truly delicious, but be prepared for large portions.

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    Bogdan Rauta


    very good food. small place but you can seat on the terrace.

  • Jonathan VE

    Jonathan VE


    Extremely cosy high quality restaurant

  • Jesus Galende

    Jesus Galende


    We went there to celebrate an anniversary. We had chosen the surprise menu and were excited about it. Night started well as entering the place, although very small, had a nice environment. Welcome by the waiter who was from Quebec was great. We sat, ordered and just waited while tasting the excellent bread with tapenade. Starters took a bit long wait and were rather spicy (too much pepper). We had a child with us and they did not offered an alternative for him which we found weird. Then, the main dish which took too long (45 min). Quality was good but, again, for the child was too pepper flavoured. He could not eat it. After finishing, due to the slow service, it was too late for dessert and we offered not to have it for ease of purpose. The bill came and the full menu was charged. I told them that we deliberately skipped dessert so that they could close but if they were to charge the complete menu, then we would take the dessert. We were told that only 5 desserts rested (we were 6). We asked for them, we finished, asked for the bill and, again, no reduction for the missing dessert. I must add that despite of the spicy food, quality was good. Our great thanks to the waiter that despite all, took care of us with a smile. Would like to share our dissatisfaction with the cook that seemed to be above circumstances and kept a selfish attitude towards clients. We start dinner at 2130 and finished at 0030 ( were 5 adults and one child). Place not recommended for children. Cook abused of pepper and he lacked of tact. We could clearly overhear that he was nos ready to have commercial token with us because of leaving one of us without dessert. Sorry for the waiter that was a nice chap.

  • en

    Ben Lewis


    My wife and I had lunch here and loved the experience. The food was incredible and you really felt like you were sitting in the chef's kitchen. When we arrived, the chef told us that the menu changes daily and that each day's menu is based on what he buys at the market each morning. I ended up ordering a veal parmesan dish and the tomato sauce that I had was honestly the best sauces that I've ever eaten. From the excellent food, the great service, homey ambiance, and incredible value, I highly recommend this place.

Cafe in de buurt

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