Loungeatude in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve




🕗 openingstijden

Place Polyvalente, 1348, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Brabant Wallon, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 10 45 64 62
website: www.loungeatude.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.6654551, Longitude: 4.6171439

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Isa Salehe


    The mix of restaurant - Lounge - Conference room is unique. And the service is impeccable




    Just excellent! The perfect combination of good food in a really nice place! I would love to go back! I went to the place for a birthday celebration and my friend just love the concept and the service. Don’t forget to ask for a dessert, you won’t regret it.

  • Quentin Matthys Boeckmans Y J

    Quentin Matthys Boeckmans Y J


    In my personal opinion, this restaurant is one of the best place in Brussels ! The food is top quality and the service is excellent ! The chef came to our table, ask us about our meal, stayed to chat a little ! I have no bad point whatsoever that I can find about this place. Simply excellent !

  • Laurent Vetterhoeffer

    Laurent Vetterhoeffer


    So disappointed! My vegetarian main course was very expensive... And even though we're almost in summer, the choice of vegetables was basic. The base was a (very dry) wheat cake. The baby navels, carrots and mushrooms were just ok. But I felt that I was punished for being a vegetarian. I'll certainly never return there. Too bad as the place is otherwise really nice.

  • Francois Lagrange

    Francois Lagrange


    Good place, and I particularly like their lounge near the fireplace. But two stars removedess: avoid the 'vin du patron': they say they measure what you drunk 'by the cm'. They first try to charge the full bottle - I can admit this was a mistake - but when you kinky make the remark, this still overcharge. I don't care about the €, but it isn't very serious.

Restaurant in de buurt

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