Lokale Politie Sint-Gillis in Saint-Gilles

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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BelgiëLokale Politie Sint-Gillis


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

104, Rue Antoine Bréart, 1060, Saint-Gilles, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 2 559 80 00
website: www.policelocale.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8230794, Longitude: 4.3452595

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Anna Kavaphes


    Just horrible. I tried to report my stolen wallet, but I was sent home. On the phone, I was told to just drop by any time to report this, but on the spot they did not want to take up the case. They asked me to obtain a document from my embassy, that does not even exist (quote from the embassy: This problem is well-known by many EU embassies and it is believed that Belgian authorities try to improve on their criminal statistics by sending foreigners away). When I asked for the name of the policewoman, who I spoke to, she told me I am lucky she is speaking to me in English and besides her shift is over. It said "De Meyer" on her badge.

  • Niko Campagnol

    Niko Campagnol


    Disfunctional to say the least. Lazy and unkind the agent serving me this time.

  • fr

    Maxime Miller


    Je m'y suis rendue pour déclarer un vol, je n'ai pas dû attendre et en 10 minutes c'était réglé..

  • Leo Filipe78

    Leo Filipe78


    d’assurer la tranquillité, la sécurité et la santé publique dans les différents quartiers de la We need a better intervention from our officers...please... let the traffic of all kind to the federals... take more care of our neighbours.. the noise from the coffes that transform in discoteques all the times for example... i dont give any credibility to this police of st gilles cause i see that you only make the reglement... I'm writing this and under my home there's a coffe transformed in discoteque all the weekend's.. by now the police after i call passed but 5 minutes after they went the music passed to a higher level... anyone believe that this cops passed a second time to be sure the rules and they're presence are respected? No way... there's so much to say... people like me, good observers, are quiet until one day ... God be with us that work, pay taxes, and try to live a honourable life in this hell of st gilles...

  • Vincent Ip

    Vincent Ip


    If you speak Dutch, probably it's best for you to skip this one (they'll refer you to another office anyway)

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