Leuven Public Library de Leuven

BelgiqueLeuven Public Library



🕗 horaire

4, Rijschoolstraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgique
contact téléphone: +32 16 22 65 22
site web: bib.leuven.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.880931, Longitude: 4.703661

commentaires 5

  • Vera Martins

    Vera Martins


    Great view of the city of Leuven and a history class about the damages of war and kindness in the world... Want to know more? Don't hesitate to visit this great great place 😉

  • Lise Lynen

    Lise Lynen


    Grote en overzichtelijke bib met een zeer mooie (en up-to-date) collectie! Tip: gebruik de website om op voorhand te kijken of het gewenste boek aanwezig is en waar het staat, bespaart je veel tijd!

  • en

    Jason Clements


    This is a great library. Plenty of books, obviously, but also lots of CDs & DVDs you can check out, or just hang out and read the newspaper or a magazine. There is also a nice café in the building.

  • serge schouterden

    serge schouterden


    Large library with a decent amount of books and a good working online catalogue. Very friendly staff except the closets can be a bit tricky. Just have a lock and key, simple way of closets. Nothing fancy because if you have been doing research from 10-5 you tend to be a bit groggy.

  • en

    Alexander Tang


    Great place to study as a student. Especially since the more popular libraries such as Agora are full all the time. Bring ear plugs however, kids tend to make quite a bit of noise during some portions of the day. Nice selection of reading material for all ages as well.

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