Leopold Park in Brussel

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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BelgiëLeopold Park



🕗 openingstijden

Belliardstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 279 61 00
website: www.bruxelles.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8387461, Longitude: 4.3802378

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Tony Hards


    Nice peaceful park in the middle of Brussels, great place to relax.😁

  • en

    Ricardo Zanone


    Very Nice park with a lake And a lot of Green. Good to relax and visit the Parlament.

  • Mansee Sharma

    Mansee Sharma


    Its a beautiful park with a pond and uneven terrain. Honestly a great place to click pictures and offcourse to enjoy in fresh air on a sunny day! Many restaurants and stores are nearby so worth a visit. *Won't suggest for running, jogging and games for children as it not too big like cinquantenaire. But there is a little playzone for small children with slides and see-saw.

  • Harikrishna Tatikonda

    Harikrishna Tatikonda


    Nice park with a medium size pond in the center, people usually come for jogging. Pleasant place spend some time with family and friends

  • Thanasis Rigopoulos

    Thanasis Rigopoulos


    Very nice park for a great walk! #Helpful tip: Don't step on the grass in the winter it's very very muddy!

Park in de buurt

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