Le Seventy-five in Brussel

BelgiëLe Seventy-five



🕗 openingstijden

75, Cellebroersstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 512 02 25
website: www.facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8425528, Longitude: 4.3512142

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Alice Landolfi


    Good, but bad experience. I really don’t know what to think of this place. Went there with a friend, who came for the first time to Brussels, for a Sunday brunch. We wanted to take our time and then visit the centre. However, our brunch lasted 2.30 HOURS, maybe also 3. I am not exaggerating. I can understand that only the waitress and the chef were working that day, but the waiting time was insane. Also, I feel we didn’t even get what we paid for... For the last dish they brought us 1 plate of 4 pancakes...for 2 people. In the same plate, in the middle of the table, to share. From previous pictures and reviews on trip advisor we had seen everybody saying that pancakes were a lot, even “copieux”. Well...we got 2 each, i really wouldn’t call them copieux. However, everything was really good. Especially those pancakes (I asked to have them with the caramel aside) and the sort of bruschetta with salmon/duck/veggies. I would like to give it a second chance, but I’m afraid I’ll waste another Sunday morning :(

  • Maxime De Wit

    Maxime De Wit


    Cozy place with a wide variety of gins. Simple menu of great burgers! Loved the Jack Daniels burger (ironic for a gin bar? ;-)) with a happy gin (or two) on the side. Found this bar on Google maps while looking for a place to eat ans would definitely recommend it to others! Small minus point: they went for a cozy look with their tables and chairs, but they're horrible for people with a bad back..

  • Jesseka Mae Emerick

    Jesseka Mae Emerick


    The food is both super tasty and good looking. The space is warm and inviting, a nice place to pass some hours with friends.

  • Lise Lynen

    Lise Lynen


    Cosy place with a wide selection of gins (and a happy gin for 5 euros). Their burgers are also delicious (they have a veggie falafel burger) and the staff is very friendly! Definitely worth a visit :)

  • en

    Simon Boothman


    Great place to sit and have a drink. As a gin lover they have what appears to be a limited number of top gins. The barman really knows what he is doing and watching him mix the drinks is very entertaining. Would go back again.

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