La Stradella in Han-sur-Lesse

BelgiëLa Stradella



🕗 openingstijden

59-61, Rue d'Hamptay, 5580, Han-sur-Lesse, Namur, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 84 37 80 64
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.1242804, Longitude: 5.1892278

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    L Ley


    No comment !!

  • fr

    Océane Poncelet


    Lasagne très bonne. Accueil froid, encore heureux que la serveuse est là! Attende longue pour recevoir nos plats. Je reviendrais 😊

  • Artyom A

    Artyom A


    Waited for 40 minutes the order. As a result got cold pizza!

  • Sam Vanden

    Sam Vanden


    Go here if you want to be insulted by the rudest waiter ever! We are a very friendly family and I brought my visiting parents to see the Grottos. This Oaf of a man was extremely rude and told us to wait to be seated. We were fine with that. The restaurant was completely empty, probably because it was a very hot day (33) degrees outside. After 15 minutes of being ignored we asked if we could sit down because we have elderly parents. He reluctantly seated us at a table next to the toilet and ignored us. I have never left a restaurant because of a rude waiter. Never going back.

  • Gilles Marchal

    Gilles Marchal


    excellent restaurant/pizzeria

Restaurant in de buurt

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