La Khaima in Auderghem

BelgiëLa Khaima



🕗 openingstijden

1390, Chaussée de Wavre, 1160, Auderghem, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 675 00 04
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.819166, Longitude: 4.414883

opmerkingen 5

  • Jesper B. Frederiksen

    Jesper B. Frederiksen


    C'était magnifique il y a vingt ans. Maintenant la magie avait disparu et le local sentait les égouts. Néanmoins, le couscous était toujours correct.

  • Shirley R

    Shirley R


    Excellent Moroccan food

  • Jingwen Xu

    Jingwen Xu


    The decoration is quite exotic, you feel like being in Morroco. Mint tea strongly recommend!

  • Brahim Mazoul

    Brahim Mazoul



  • Maf Vasconcelos

    Maf Vasconcelos


    Always nice to go to la Khaima. The ambience is great, you are imediately thrown into a tent in the middle of the desert with luxury. I personnaly prefer the weekdays since it is quieter. Their Tajines are wonderful, their couscous could have some more vegetables but tastewise is very nice, and their couscous mechoui is my all time favourite, the lamb is just fabulous. Take care when ordering for the servings are generous. A very good restaurant! it hasn't failed me so far. The service could be with a smile but it's not bad for Brusssels. Hope you enjoy it if you go there.

Restaurant in de buurt

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