Kruidvat de Tervuren




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6a, Leuvensesteenweg, 3080, Tervuren, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 3 303 01 36
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8253823, Longitude: 4.5128087

commentaires 5

  • Sarah-Jane.S. White

    Sarah-Jane.S. White


    Friendly staff, multi lingual, very helpful

  • Miguel-Francisco Ruiz

    Miguel-Francisco Ruiz


    I find what I need at reasonable prices. Easy access and gently stuff. Sometimes beloved products are gone forever without apparent reason.

  • sandra seltzer

    sandra seltzer


    Is men job

  • en



    Went in wanting to buy something and the price is different from the website so my husband and I went to the cashier to check. First cashier insisted it was a different product from the website, second cashier told us it’s a different promotion from the website. When she asked if we want to buy it, I said “No we will get it from the website”. She gave a very unhappy expression and rolled her eyes. Thanks Kruidvat for the excellent product knowledge and friendly staff. For your information, I know what I am buying and it is the same product. If your staff has no patience with a customer wanting to find out more, please let her work on the shelves. She might like interacting with the products more.

  • en

    Roxane Niesing


    This Kruidvat is okay, it is always in a bit of a shambles and terribly messy. The staff usually can't help you with anything you ask them, whether it be advice on the products or whether you just want to ask them if they sell a certain product. But if you know what you want and know for sure that they have it in stock, then the shop is just fine.

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