Iyengar Yoga Studio - Byoga in Bruxelles

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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BelgiëIyengar Yoga Studio - Byoga



🕗 openingstijden

30, Place de la Vieille Halle aux Blés, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 479 99 04 00
website: www.byoga.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.843935, Longitude: 4.351948

opmerkingen 4

  • en

    Nadège Le Dard


    I had the lesson on Saturday morning, I liked the sequence of positions/postures but the place is quite small and crowded. Also I find it hard to find a course in Brussels where the teacher talks you through all the way so you can focus all the time on your breath rather than looking at what has to be done. I did not appreciate the greeting, I did not know the place so I was a bit lost and wasn't late but not 10mn early as requested and of course the teacher picked on that before I had a chance to apologise. I would assume a more 'yogic' welcome even if I understand I did not make the best impression. This has put me off as well as the 'oulala' when some people did not do the 'right' thing. I will not be back.

  • nabaa est toujour avec vous jasime

    nabaa est toujour avec vous jasime


    eseker ia un club de Gimnastike de anfant

  • Alexandre van Win

    Alexandre van Win


    Premier cours avec Anne, un mot : super Précis, bien dirigé, respectueux des capacités de chacun, patience.

  • Herboristerie Moderne

    Herboristerie Moderne


Sportschool in de buurt

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