IKEA Zaventem in Zaventem

BelgiëIKEA Zaventem



🕗 openingstijden

19, Weiveldlaan, 1930, Zaventem, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 719 19 22
website: www.ikea.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8719133, Longitude: 4.4919159

opmerkingen 5

  • Uday Singh

    Uday Singh


    For the furniture aspects, and family outing to buy household goodies, I would give this IKEA a 5 star. If you have a purpose to come here to buy high quality furniture and room accessories, this place is my top recommendation. But It's missing two stars because of the restaurant (I'll be honest, I only used to come here for the restaurant!)... What happened to IKEA's restaurant? 5 years ago they used to give full sized desserts, meals and everything, they were more busy and pleasant. Nowadays their restaurant meals are a bit more expensive, reduced by portion, desserts are smaller and more industrialized than before... It's getting atrocious. Even Lunch Garden doesn't penalize you this badly, they offer cheaper meals accompanied with desserts and sidings. Come shop here, but eat at the restaurant if you come as a family, not alone just for lunch time. XD haha

  • Rei Nis

    Rei Nis


    ikea is always nice experience, plus they have great hot dogs onthe way out.

  • Rasha Gamie

    Rasha Gamie


    U can almost fond everything you need to furnish your home from A to Z at different prices (affordable - high). Very big parking also place for electric cars to be charged. They offer perfect breakfast till 11:00 am at a very low price (1 to 3 euros) depending on menu. Also if u have a member card (free) you can get free coofee for the whole day (excluding weekends). Kids small land where kids from 1m to 135cm can play for one hour under staff supervision so u can shop "free of kids" 😁

  • Anjan Dhumal Rao

    Anjan Dhumal Rao


    Good if you know what you want to buy else you would buy extra items worth a lot, too tempting

  • Ricardo Mota

    Ricardo Mota


    It's an IKEA! Either love it or hate it, it is what it is. If you're looking here, chances are you already know what to expect and, either because you like their products, you like their prices, or you like the convenience of their shops, you should probably own more than a few items from IKEA... If not and all of this is new to you, give it a chance and try it out. On a busy day it can be daunting and stressful, with a lot of noisy kids and their entire family roaming around like this is their day out activity... But even in this situation, you might really enjoy it and find exactly what you are looking for! Good visit!

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