Hotel Novotel Lille Centre Gares de Lille

BelgiqueHotel Novotel Lille Centre Gares


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49, Rue de Tournai, 59000, Lille, Nord, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 3 28 38 67 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.6345226, Longitude: 3.0733369

commentaires 5

  • Aurélien Legrand

    Aurélien Legrand


    Very nice hotel, staff is friendly and the location is great.

  • Jack Greyhat

    Jack Greyhat


    The room was very clean and the staff very friendly. Breakfast was limited compared to other four star hotels. Overal a very good hotel.

  • en

    Chris todd


    Staff in restaurant were particularly helpful.

  • Julie Douchet

    Julie Douchet


    One of my favourites in Lille. Very nice, cosy and stylish hotel. Well located. It is quiet, have a very good services. The staff is very welcoming, nice and professional. The breakfast is very good with lots of choices (salty and sweet). There is a fitness center good enough (at least for beginners). The only minus I would have is the rooms look a bit oldish; but they are very clean. I always enjoy my stay.

  • Ursula Hawkins

    Ursula Hawkins


    Great hotel in the Novotel chain. Staff friendly and all spoke English. Really good Kids entertainment facilities in the foyer. Restaurant not open until 1900hrs meant we didn't eat there (too late for our kids)

Lodging la plus proche

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