Hotel ibis budget Brussels South Ruisbroek in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw

BelgiëHotel ibis budget Brussels South Ruisbroek



🕗 openingstijden

100, Vorstsesteenweg, 1601, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 333 03 10
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.7932576, Longitude: 4.2996697

opmerkingen 5

  • Wouter Brunia

    Wouter Brunia


    Near highway, food options nearby, railway station and free parking in minutes walking. There is a microwave, so you can buy a microwave meal from supermarket and eat it in the lobby. They have plastic cutlery and tables

  • Bibby Stoyanova

    Bibby Stoyanova


    Great value for money. Clean and comfortable.

  • en

    Björn L.


    This etablissement is a bad hostel with worn out rooms and interieur which calls itself an hotel with very bad staff. I booked a room by phone and spelled my name twice, but my name on the bill wrong in so many ways I haven't seen in my entire life. When I asked them to change it, they claimed it wouldn't be possible. They gave me a smoking room without asking. On the small table were several even 5cm big and deep burning holes. Also the old dirty, sticky linoleum floor was covered with burning marks. The shower had black mold in the corners and was very dirty, so I haven't used it. The air discharge hasn't been cleaned in years and had mold too. The walls, the door and the furniture were covered in nicotine and had a lot of stains on it. I used a clean towel with pure water on several places in the room and it was black in short time. The breakfas (for 7€) was more than disappointing, at 6.45 the "buffet" was already raided and a mess, there was almost no selection. Also I had to pay extra for parking.

  • en

    Juran Liu


    It is okay for the price. 5 minutes walk to train station, a restaurant (fairly good one) across the street. The room is a bit small.

  • en

    Jon Baldwin


    Very basic with rock hard beds. Great if you just need a room. Breakfast is reasonable.

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