Hotel ibis Brussels Waterloo in Waterloo

BelgiëHotel ibis Brussels Waterloo



🕗 openingstijden

5, Boulevard Henri Rolin, 1410, Waterloo, Brabant Wallon, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 351 00 30
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.7114412, Longitude: 4.3992355

opmerkingen 5

  • David V.

    David V.


    Excellent breakfast but too close to the street...

  • Amy Ollerton

    Amy Ollerton


    Friendly staff & great breakfast. The walls seem thin and when you're in the hallway you can hear people talking in their rooms. If you're in a wheelchair, ask to be on the same level as the elevator- some of the floors are reachable only by stairs. There wasn't any warm shower water at night, but in the morning there was enough that all 3 people in our group could take a shower.

  • Balázs Udvardi

    Balázs Udvardi


    Friendly staff, superb breakfast. Lot of good restaurants near by.

  • en

    George Mackay


    Very well placed hotel for a visit to the Waterloo battlefield. Good breakfast. Have used this hotel before and will go back again

  • Fergus Moran

    Fergus Moran


    Good location and the bed was very comfortable. However the hotel is noisy and the breakfast limited. Next door to the supermarket!

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