Hema in Luxembourg

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

bevestigde gevallen







🕗 openingstijden

45, Avenue de la Gare, 1611, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contacten telefoon: +352 26 18 40
website: www.hema.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 49.6023583, Longitude: 6.1332518

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Anta Sylla


    You can find a bit of everything you might need

  • Blog da bea Tato

    Blog da bea Tato


    Uma loja de grande variedade de produtos vestuário dos 0 aos 90 tudo a a preços acessíveis...

  • Yvonne Koechig

    Yvonne Koechig


    Hema is a terrific store. I mainly purchase office supplies here, but have noticed that they have a broad selection of tea, coffee, biscuits and chocolate. The prices are fair and the shop assistants always friendly and helpful.

  • Tais Osorio

    Tais Osorio


    Great store although a little unorganized at times. Good products for a lower price and equal cuteness.

  • Agne Sileikaite

    Agne Sileikaite


    Terrible shop and very rude customer service. I went once, entered the shop at 18:47 and the staff member started screaming at me that the store is closed even though it was still 13 minutes before their closing time. They should change their opening hours because it confuses a customer. Surely this shop is not focused on selling their goods.

Warenhuis in de buurt

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