Groeninge Museum in Brugge

BelgiëGroeninge Museum



🕗 openingstijden

12, Dijver, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 50 44 87 11
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2052205, Longitude: 3.2266679

opmerkingen 5

  • Victor



    I was very impressive of the artwork in this museum; it includes Flemish primitive artworks, 18th & 19th-century works and modern pieces.

  • Lizzie Paterson

    Lizzie Paterson


    Fantastic detail within the museum, great audio facilities and super friendly staff. Only topped by the impressive artwork. Great experience and lovely grounds.

  • en

    Sam Philly


    There's few that wouldn't be impressed with the Flemish primitives like Van Eyck and Memling which are shown here and it's well worth a visit just for them - albeit I found myself not really having much chance to connect with these works as teachers bullied their way to the front of paintings with school groups (may be visit outside of school hours to avoid this?). It was quieter in the rooms off - with expressionists taking centre stage - some exquisite - some not quite so. An exhibition - Haute Lecture - which looked at some stunning illuminated manuscripts was on when I was there - beautifully executed and fascinating - so if that's an indicator of other stuff they present, I'd thoroughly recommend a visit. Part of the Bruges Museum Card which is worth purchasing if you're doing the rounds

  • en

    Francis Wells


    I spent the morning walking round dazzled by colour and depth of the works of the Flemish primitives: religious works, pastiches, allegories, landscapes and portraits. Each painting was worthy of consideration; sometimes accompanied by more notes than just the title/ artist in Flemish, French, German and English. Well worth the entrance fee.

  • Mark McConachie

    Mark McConachie


    Nice museum located in an historic settings. Picturesque grounds surround this entertaining gallery. Good range of paintings from the 1500s on mostly from Belgian artists. Well-stacked gift shop too.

Museum in de buurt

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