Foom de Mechelen




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2, Sint-Katelijnestraat, 2800, Mechelen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 15 65 93 59
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0296065, Longitude: 4.4778537

commentaires 5

  • Delphine



    Amazing place, very nice to go have high tea with friends in the weekend (make sure to book wel ahead). I sustracted 1 star because the chairs and the wall with the wooden bricks sticking out where you have to lean against are very unpractical and rather uncomfortable (I wouldn't recommend it for people with serious back pain or reduced mobility). But the food is amazing, there pancakes are delicious (enjoy them while reading a book in the sun on their terrace), the prices are reasonable. Friendly staff, they work really hard. Nice spot in the middle of Mechelen.

  • Rushil Shetty

    Rushil Shetty


    Good for breakfast. Pancakes are good.

  • Tanné Bogaerts

    Tanné Bogaerts


    Never disappoints. Love the interior.

  • Anthony Rabaey

    Anthony Rabaey


    Very nice breakfast. Good service. Medium expensive.

  • Sophie's Foodie Files

    Sophie's Foodie Files


    A lovely cosy coffee bar. You can breakfast there, have lunch or afternoon tea even! Friendly staff & good coffee too. They also serve iced lattes in Summer. They also serve soy milk!

Restaurant la plus proche

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