Floreal Blankenberge in Blankenberge

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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BelgiëFloreal Blankenberge


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🕗 openingstijden

59, Koning Albert-I-laan, 8370, Blankenberge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 50 43 21 11
website: www.florealgroup.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.31728, Longitude: 3.1461683

opmerkingen 5

  • Gábor Tóth

    Gábor Tóth


    Very nice rooms and food.

  • en

    Sumit Srivastava


    We went for a conference there. The rooms we stayed in were nice, big, and cozy. The rooms also had oven, a cooktop, and a water heating kettle. Other than that, the service was also nice. The food was arranged by the hosts at the hotel restaurant itself. The food in general was good given there were around 300 people. I also went to their restaurant in personal capacity before the start of the conference. The food was okay for the price. They also have a couple of sending machines in the hall too. You can get coke, some chips and water from these wending machines. Other than that, the beach is close by , at a 10-15 minutes walk. Overall, a nice place.

  • Muhammad Raza

    Muhammad Raza


    Great hotel. Large room. Nice staff. Good food. Comfortable.

  • en

    Michiel Coppens


    Old run down resort in a mostly rundown town.

  • Gerard O'Brien

    Gerard O'Brien


    Attended gaming conference - excellent location for event, only let down by slightly austere decor. Staff very friendly and accomodating.

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