Episode Belgium de Bruxelles

BelgiqueEpisode Belgium



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28, Rue de la Violette, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 513 36 53
site web: www.episode.eu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8452407, Longitude: 4.3525559

commentaires 5

  • Tina Naert

    Tina Naert


    Fantastic thrift shop! They sell so many different kind of clothing's and the staff is really nice!

  • Femke Cardoen

    Femke Cardoen


    One of the best Episode shops, particularly for men's shirts (denim, plaid), men's knits (aran) and jackets (wool, leather). Good quality stuff. The selection for women varies: best to check in a few times and really comb through the racks. Fans of traditional Japanese garb take note: this store currently carries a bunch of tomesode and you might even dig up a neat juban.

  • Madessis Thomas

    Madessis Thomas


    Best vintage store in town, the clerks were more than helpful. Prices are not crazy at all. Great store overall

  • Tiago Daniel Braz Peters

    Tiago Daniel Braz Peters


    Very nice vintage shop, some very good prices! Only negative are the narrowness of the corridors, but not too bad.

  • Bini Toffefee

    Bini Toffefee


    Best vintage shop ever....great choice amazing pieces ....it is very small but ok . There are only two changing rooms which is bad for the waiting times on.weekends

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