Dr.l'hoest F. de Tongeren

BelgiqueDr.l'hoest F.


pas d'information

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53, Driekruisenstraat, 3700, Tongeren, Limburg, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 12 26 26 23
site web: www.huisartsendriekruisenstraat.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.7870303, Longitude: 5.4665904

commentaires 5

  • Drini Madani

    Drini Madani


  • Alexandre Santana

    Alexandre Santana


    Called to make my first appointment at around 14:15 on 25/10/2016. Rude and unfriendly person answering the phone. Not being a fluent dutch speaker I've asked if she spoke English, which she confirmed after a few seconds of silence. Asked my full name and after telling my first name and saying that I wasn't a current patient, she replied with a demeaning tone 'what's your FULL name?'. I'm not sure how relevant that is to her since I'm simply calling for information... Anyway, after asking that I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. L'Hoëst, she promptly corrected my pronunciation with an even more demeaning tone. After that I just hanged up because I'm not used to that kind of treatment and having lived in 6 countries around the world, I never had such a terrible first impression from a front desk in my life. The doctors can be great, but I don't want to deal with a person like that every time I have to call for an appointment. I'll just spend my money elsewhere and I hope this review is useful to improve the training in one of the most important roles in any business (customer relations). Good luck for your clinic.

  • Katsiaryna Akhramchuk

    Katsiaryna Akhramchuk


    Mijn beste dokter!

  • Manuel Minutello

    Manuel Minutello


  • nl

    marc Ciesielski


Docteur la plus proche

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