Domino's in Gent




🕗 openingstijden

57, Overpoortstraat, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 9 220 37 37
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.038914, Longitude: 3.726284

opmerkingen 5

  • Tanwi Dey

    Tanwi Dey


    Delicious pizza with discount price for students. Really good.

  • Josephine



    Asked for a pizza with more tomato sause and vegetable but got a thin layer of the sauce and not enough vegetables :/

  • Gergely Ujj

    Gergely Ujj


    I paid 2 EUR extra for bacon but it was not on the pizza! I asked to remove the olives but my pizza was full of them. We paid 2 EUR for pickles and for 2 EUR I expected a little bit more then 8 extremely slim slices I used to order from Domino in 3 other countries where I lived and I loved it but I was very disappointed with this one.

  • jesse van brugghe

    jesse van brugghe


    They never add the bbq sauce to bbq grill and bbq chicken, when we mentioned that they forgot it they just told us that it was without bbq sauce although we always got the sauce in dominos Bruges. When we got home and checked the pizza's it clearly said "with a swirl of bbq sauce". Incompetend staff...

  • joanna monk

    joanna monk


    Been to Ghent last year with my family. Arrived late night. Dominos pizza was not far away from place where we stayed and my husband and son decided to pick it up. Good customer service and my son get free coke from one of the guy who served us (nobody ask him to do it) . Pizza was tasty as well.

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